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Fall in love with The Coral Blossom, a delightful peach and cream bouquet from LaMaisonFlowerStudio, starting at $69. Thoughtfully crafted by our talented florists, this bouquet mixes soft peach tones with creamy whites, making it a lovely highlight for any occasion. We're dedicated to quality, ensuring each bouquet is fresh and gorgeous. Experience the top-notch service and attention to detail that only LaMaisonFlowerStudio provides. Treat yourself or someone special to The Coral Blossom today.


"We craft beautiful floral bouquets with fresh, seasonal florals. While the exact flowers may vary based on availability, your bouquet will always reflect our signature style."


*Same-day delivery order is available by online until 11:00AM!

Delivery window will be between 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

For rush delivery, select the $35 Specific Time Delivery Fee.


At LaMaisonFlowerStudio, we specialize in delivering high-quality floral arrangements that reflect the artistry shown in our photos. While seasonal variations may apply, we ensure that the overall look and feel of your bouquet remain consistent.

Order now and experience the convenience of online floral delivery in Calgary!


The Coral Blossom starting at $69

  • *Delivery fees

    -Neighbourhood (Tuscany & postal codes starting T3L) $8

    -In Calgary $10

    -Out of Calgary $25 (Cochrane, Airdrie, Chestermere etc.) or $35 (Okotoks)

    We only provide delivery service. There is no option for Pick Up.


    *Delivery Time

    We deliver 6 days a week from Monday to Saturday

     between 11:30 A.M. - 8P.M.

    You can choose one of delivery windows

    Between 11:30am - 4:00pm or 4:00pm - 8:00pm.

    We can not guaranteed specific delivery time. 

    Please choose the specific delivery time if you need. It need to extra charge for delivery fee. (Total $35 in Calgary)

    Mon-Sat excluding Sundays and statutory holidays

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Contact Us

Call: +1 (403) 619-2313

  • Instagram

Open Hours

Online shop is 24/7 open
Call us if you need help!
from Mon to Sat (9:30 AM - 7:30 PM)
Sunday closed

© 2023 by La Maison Flower Studio.

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